Question about the "vdb" example

Hi, I use Blender 4.3.2.  When I opened both the Lesson01 and this Lesson10 files. In "3D Viewport", the embergen_gas did not display anything (blank screen). I set the viewport shading to "render preview" and Render Properties to - Cycle, Supported, GPU Compute. I checked that the vdb file is not missing used "File-ExternalData-ReportMissingFiles". There must be something that I have overlooked. Please help.
1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi kchow ,

    First, Render Preview always uses EEVEE.

    You can go to Rendered Shading and see it with Cycles, or change the Render Engine to EEVEE and go to the Render Properties > Volumes Tab and change the Custom Range, or disable that altogether:


    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Also, make sure that you don't get a warning like this:


    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Isn't that the same issue in this thread:

    2 loves
  • Keswick Chow(kchow) replied

    Thank you very much Martin and Omar,

    This is it!  I got the visual.  I have not used vdb before and did not realize there is a "Data" properties and that the vdb file have to be linked correctly there.  And the "File - ExternalData- Report Missing Files" did not show any problem!

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