Hi all, It's been a while but I'm still plugging away. This is a common issue, no doubt. I'm working on a head and need it to be completely smooth. I have the shape I want but I would like to get rid of the star pinching at the apex and still retain the curve so that there is no flat spot. As ever, help much appreciated.
BTW, you may notice that I have imported some kind of model. I'm just using it for reference. In fact, it's a AI model of an AI image which I prompted. I do not draw so creating side, top and back views was not something I could extrapolate from the front view image I had in hand, even though I had imagined what I would like to see.
I'm not making any kind of excuse, as I don't feel any is warranted but it is food for thought.
Hi Dodge ,
That is indeed a common issue; you shouldn't use Subdivision Surface Modifier on a UV Sphere, because of the 'pointy Triangles' at the Poles.
For a smooth Sphere, it is better to make it from a Cube, like this, for instance:
That consists of only even Quads, which is often ideal.
UV Spheres certainly have their uses (like for making eyeballs and planets), but don't add a Subdivison on top of it.
And after you have added the SubD to the cube and apply the SubD, you can go into edit mode and use the command Shift + Alt + S for the "To Sphere" command. You can hit 1 on the keyboard or move your move to get that value to 1
If you zoom in as you move the mouse on the command and take it to 1, you'll see the sphere change ever so slightly. There's also the menu:
For the lazy people among us.
Blender brings its own addon/extension from home with “Extra Mesh Object”. The “round cube” can also be found there.
Just for extra information