Hi. I looked at a couple tutorials and did the steps to ctrl p the object to the curve and try to animate the path button as well but it seems to do whatever it wants when the object does move.
The sphere is a test object but I would like to get the smoke domain, the force fields, and the particle system for my tornado to follow along the curve path, if that is the easy way to go about this. I was thinking of creating a empty to attach all that too and then animate the empty along the path. Any tips?
Hi Brandon,
What's with that AutoPath? Are you using an Addon again😉
Don't know why you're using a Domain, but make sure to set everything up correctly:
The Curve (Path) should only be Scaled in Edit Mode.
The Curve and Object the has the Follow Path, need to have their Origins in the same place.
The Forward Axis in the Constraint cannot be the same as the Up Axis.
No need to Parent the Object to the Curve.
Works fine in my simple test: I disabled Gravity and Animated the Rotation of my Emitter Works really well when using a Mesh Circle as Emitter (Source > Emit From Vertices):
ok i did the steps as mentioned and the sphere will not obey, I even applied scale if that would do anything. I do not know what the auto path thing was about but looks like its normal this time. I am using a smoke domain for the tornado and under some better lighting this could look cool from below. Had to reduce image quality some but I did fix the tornado touching the ground 2.
Ah, I see,
I gave the wrong information; the Object (that should follow the Curve/Path) needs to be at the World Origin (which makes sense, doesn't it?). Select the Sphere and press ALT+G.
You could Parent the Sphere to the Domain and then add a Follow Path Constraint to the Domain...that should work.
ok the object at the world origin works, i figured this out in a video later that it can just be the object at the world origin and then you can snap that to where ever your curve is after and figured out how to adjust speeds. would of never known that, does suck that blenders at 2 frames a second with the simulation going at 90 divisions so i guess i will need to do test renders for accurate speeds, but thanks. now its more experimentation time.