Select keys on one side of playhead and only on one channel

posted to: Squash & Stretch

So for me (can't remember what the default preferences are as I'm using right click to select), CTRL + Rclick on selects all the keys on whichever side of the playhead the mouse is. Also if a single key is selected, hitting L to select linked, selects everything on the specific channel. 

Is it possible to combine the two so I can select the keys on one side of the playhead, while restricting it to the selected channel?

I can of course lock unwanted channels which is what I have been doing, but is there a fast way?

Is there a hotkey to lock a selected channel, or in relation to what I'm trying to achieve, a hotkey to either lock the unselected channels, OR, invert the channel selection to then lock it and inver back to the single channel? This is probably confusing and doesn't make sense sorry.

Edit: Okay, 'Tab' locks a channel which will do perfectly for now. I just need to find a way to invert my selected channel/s if such a thing exists.

1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    I think locking is probably the slow way of doing that.
    You might find it easier to use a combination of the hiding channels and also filtering.

    eg - if you know you only want to manipulate the X Loc channel, you can type "X Loc" (or less) into the search filter.
    Then you can change the X to a Z if you want to only see the Z Loc.

    Or perhaps, just type "X" and then hide the X Euler etc

    The only annoying thing about that is remembering to clear the filter. 

    Most of the time, I just click on the button to hide all channels and then just show the 1 channel I want.  (That is usually the fastest for me)

    Locking and unlocking stuff can be hazardous if you forget to unlock before shifting the timing around.

    Hope that helps.

    1 love