The chest control won't move freely after disconnecting the bone parent

14:11, after disconnecting the bone parent of the chest bones, the chest control bone should move freely. But I can't move it at all. What might be the reason?
1 love
  • sheila5 replied

    I'm almost at that part, going to continue tomorrow and see if I have the same issue

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Andy, 

    I can't tell for sure but if it has a disconnected parent, and you can't move it, it's probably a constraint that is holding it in place.

    If you're still stuck, upload your work as the exercise, or post a video of your issue.

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Wayne,

    Thank you for replying again.  I've submitted my work for your review.

    1 love
  • sheila5 replied

    Ok I think you did the same thing as I and removed the connection on the DEF-Chest instead of the Chest (control)  perhaps?

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    I added the detailed explanation on how to fix this issue on the submission comments.
    However, to summarise the cause of the issue here.
    There was a copy-transform constraint that was not allowing the Chest control to move (it was being pinned to the DEF-Chest)

    Clearing the constraint and parenting the Chest control to the Torso control will rectify the issue.

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Wayne,

    Thanks you reviewing.  Now it looks like fine:

    But it raises another question.  Why did we have to make the Copy Transform constraint in the first place if the constraint has to be cleared at the end?

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hey Andy, I'd have to watch it through again to see exactly where the error was made.
    But my guess is you selected the bones in the wrong order.

    I can assure you that I did not add a Copy Transforms to the Control bone.

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Wayne,

    I might have misunderstood in the constraint process.

    1 love