The Weight won't change when I paint on the mesh

In 2:35, Wayne changed the Weight value. Then the paint color became bluish. But for me, whatever weight value I set. The paint color won't change. It's all red.

Beside, even I set the brush to subtract.  It acts like it's add.  I can't subtract anything.

Can anyone help? Thanks.

1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Andy cclown9669 ,

    It is most likely, that you are doing something wrong, but it's hard to guess, what exactly that is.

    Could you provide some screenshots (of the whole UI), then maybe we can see where the mistake is?

    2 loves
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Andy,
    We might need more info about your exact situation.
    But all red means that it is already at 100% weight (and you can't add any more)

    In the video when you see the colour change from bright pink (or magenta) to Blueish - that's because I had a bone selected that didn't have an existing weight group at first, but then when I 'added' weight to it, Blender created the group and coloured the weights according to my painting.

    Magenta (or pink) = the group doesn't exist.
    Blue = group does exist but that part is not being influenced
    Red = 100% influence in the active group

    If the subtract brush isn't working it might be the settings.  Turn the weight up to 1.0 and the strength up to 1.0 and then paint on the red portion.
    It should go back to Blue.

    But a screen cast of your issue will certainly help diagnose the issue.
    Hope this helps.

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Martin and Wayne,

    Thank you for answering my question.  Here is the screen recording:

    As you see, the paint is like 100% weight.  And the subtract brush is like an add brush.

    This file is not from Wayne.  I made it by myself.  Maybe I messed up something on the way.

    But it looks so weird.  See if you can figure out what the problem might be.  If not, it's ok.  There are no problem when I tried doing weight paint in some other files.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hey Andy, I think you have auto-normalise turned on.

    This can cause an issue if there is only 1 vertex group for it to normalise, therefore it adding it to the active group before it's adjusting the weights.  It's trying to subtract the weights down to zero but the auto-normalise is recalculating things back up to 1.0

    This is one of the quirks with auto-normalising with only 1 group.

    If you have at least 2 groups for it to auto-normalise. it will work as you expect. (or if you disable auto-normalise it will work as well)

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Wayne, it WORKS!!!

    I think I understand what you mean.  Now when I also paint the ear vertex groups.  Things back to as expected.
    Thanks a lot!  You're really experienced.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Glad you got it working Andy :)

    1 love
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    By the way, is there a way to save the setting as default every time I open a new file?  I know I can do File ‣ Defaults ‣ Save Startup File.

    How about the setting of how the bones are displayed?  Every time I need to turn on "name", "in front", "axes" in the Object Data Properties.  It's not much to setup, but a bit déjà vu.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Not that I'm aware of, Andy.
    But you can save those options to your quick favourites (that's what I do)

    2 loves
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Got it!  Thanks!!!

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Yeah, I designed an addon for this. When you select an Armature it add the DDS tab to the n-panel. (you can change the tab name in the preferences) it has those options and the bone collection. Of course when I made this I didn't know you could add them to quick favorites. If you want to check it out. it's the DDS rig UI located here:

    1 love
  • Andy Shek(clown9669) replied

    Hi Dwayne, thank you for your add-on.  The DDS thing looks a bit complicated.  Maybe not, but just new to me haha.

    I will give it a try.  Thanks!!

    1 love