I recently saw this Corridor reacts video, and wondered how one could approach this with modern tools.
Or more specifically, would it be possible (and if so how), to rig a face to be animated in such a style?
Video Timestamp | 1:07
Also a bit of a challenge for anyone who has spare time to give this a shot, would be interested to see what you can come up with.
It doesnt matter how the character's armature is setup, the primary idea is that you have a subd Plane that servers as the geometry from which the face extrudes from/deforms.
See I have gotten something similar done using modifiers.
But what I couldnt think of was how would you be able to, using these modifiers, put together a face rig for an animatable character?
For instance, lets say you for some reason wanted to make the character raise its brow like the rock's meme (because why wouldnt you).
I cant picture how you would rig a face that has 'essentially' (but not truly since were offsetting it) only a 2D depth to its mesh.
Hmm, would need to give that a try, maybe using geometry nodes?
Not sure if you coul achieve this style (as in the corridor video) using that approach, at least I cant picture it.
I would test it, but Ive never even rigged a face before.
Speaking of, is there any courses on it? Or ar there any planned for face rigging since thats not covered in the current ones?