Subscription 2024

Hi there, 

I just wanted to ask what the current subscription prices are because there are many numbers floating around.

On the Start Page the price is $229,99 

My current yearly subscription is $288

In the FAQ the price is $480

and I got an Email granting me a subscription for $149 for the first year

I really like Cgcookie but can anyone shed light on how much my next year will cost me?

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  • Leo (wod) replied

    The best thing to do is to write to support at
    What I can perhaps say is that the prices were significantly reduced ~ 6 months ago to $23 ? (Don't nail me down on the numbers)
    So I believe $229.99 is the current price
    The one in the FAQ may not have been updated yet

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  • Eik Jagemann(ejageman) replied

    I ask this question here because it may concern more user than only me. It is a bit sad that the official FAQ is not updated. It shouldn't happen if you are a company but mistakes are just human.

    My main concern is the price I have to pay to continue my subscription. If it is indeed $229.99 I have to rethink continuing.

    Don't get me wrong I like the website but if I can save 80$ per year if I make a new account... 

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Let me ping Amber, perhaps she can say an extra thing or two on this topic.

    1 love
  • amberkelly replied

    Hi there.  Thanks for pointing this out.  We are always working with our pricing to find the best possible option and as the world changes we try to keep up with everyone's needs.  We are currently experimenting with a reduced pricing plan of $229.99/yr and $22.99/mo to see if we can allow more access to Blender learning at a reduced price and still keep the doors open, as they say.  Since it is an experiment we didn't change the pricing FAQ, but I can certainly see how that creates confusion, so I have gone ahead and updated that page now.

    We are running an introductory offer during BCON for a discount on the first year with CG Cookie to welcome some new folks to our community.  Sorry you received that email.  That likely means your profile is tagged with an inaccurate subscription type in our email provider.

    If you are on the $288 plan and would like to swap to the $229.99 plan, reach out to and we will be happy to assist you with the adjustment.

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  • Eik Jagemann(ejageman) replied

    Thank you amberkelly this clarifies a lot!

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