Somehow on one of the edges, the bevel doesn´t work.
No, I tried that before and there were no double vertices.
Here is the file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zfoa8vyfwxfl7j3cdpp3x/gameboy.blend?rlkey=qkm59kr0rv3ibtkt1mkv0smrp&st=22xxu5ze&dl=0
I tried to move the whole edge loop along the y-axis for a little bit, that kind of worked now.
Hi Thomas,
Link says: "Item was Deleted".
Although Omar's method works, that shouldn't be necessary.
We have seen before, that this was because there was an angle (red line) between 'top and bottom' Faces (can't see that from your screenshot...), something like this, maybe:
Hi Martin,
sorry for that, I re-uploaded the file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zfoa8vyfwxfl7j3cdpp3x/gameboy.blend?rlkey=qkm59kr0rv3ibtkt1mkv0smrp&st=k1qt8m63&dl=0
Oh that´s interesting.
Cheers Thomas!
It was indeed as I suspected. It's rather subtle (hard to find, if you don't know what to look for 😉, but I created an extra Edge as a guide to see if there was an angle and behold:
Moving these Vertices back in Y a bit, to 'meet' the helper Edge (from Side Orthographic View), gives the wanted Bevel:
Hi Jesus bbacontaco ,
Kinda late...and also incorrect 😉
As can be seen in the first screenshot, Clamp Overlap wasn't enabled and thus not causing the issue.
I have encountered a similar but different issue, The highlighted edges weren't able to bevel by adjusting the bevel weight through transform. The ctrl+B works for all.
While there doesn't seem like to be an angle between 'top and bottom' Faces like mentioned above.