Blender Pumpkin Carving Challenge

Contests and Challenges
Adrian Bellworthy

Challenge Submissions!

Congrats to everyone who submitted to this year's Halloween challenge! We couldn't contain our excitement and had to celebrate by editing a showcase featuring all submissions. Enjoy and spook you next year πŸŽƒ


The Challenge: Carve a 3D Hallowe'en Jack-O'-Lantern

Inspired by the new CG Cookie CORE | Fundamentals Series.

The CORE of your pumpkin is where you need to start to create your Jack-O'-Lantern for this challenge. Carve out the CORE and place to one side to make pumpkin pie later.

  • Step 1 - Choose your method of creation for the foundations of your Jack-O'-Lantern, Mesh Modeling or Sculpting, or a combination of the two if your brave enough, and carve the ultimate Jack-O'-Lantern.
  • Step 2 - Create a scene, yeah not that type of scene, we don't want to scare anyone just yet.
  • A simple scene will be sufficient, anything you like, the kitchen table, the doorstep or a graveyard, it's up to you and your imagination (and time). A simple plane surface and backdrop is totally adequate.
  • Step 3 - Add a dash of Materials and shading, a pinch of texturing. This is a crucial step in adding some flavour to your Jack-O'-Lantern, take your time and mix it thoroughly.
  • Step 4 - Baste your Jack-O'-Lantern with light, just as crucial for a glorious presentational piece of pumpkin.


  • Step 5 - Craving for more? Rig and Animate your Jack-O'-Lantern and bring it to life with character.
  • Step 6 - Wanna spice it up? Add a flickering candle flame inside, careful though, it may explode.
  • Step 7 - It's not glaringly obvious, but for the ultimate finale, take your Jack-O'-Lantern in to compositing to add depth and motion.


  • Challenge:
    From 30th September 2024 - 31st October 2024, 23:59 US CST
  • Vote:
    from 1st November - 7th November 2024


  • Model a Jack-O'-Lantern
  • Add materials and textures
  • Light your result
  • Be Creative
  • Make it Fun
  • The optional steps are not required to submit to the challenge.
    Though we encourage you to have a go, if not in during the challenge, continue on after and share your results with the community.

Recommended Viewing

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  • Use Blender
  • All 3d objects are your own - No 3rd party models, No AI
  • Submit your final Results to the CG Cookie Gallery (Use category: Contest and Challenges).
  • Open to all members in our awesome community.

    Not on Discord yet? Join us via the left side menu on


  • What - Create a Halloween Jack-O'-Lantern (Model, Materials and Shading, Texturing and Lighting as a minimum)
  • When - September 30th 2024 - October 31st 2024, 23:59 US CST
  • Why - To be the best you can be from the knowledge you have today, while striving to be even better tomorrow than you was yesterday. But most importantly, to scare everyone have some fun.
  • How - Create a project in the CG Cookie Gallery. Use the CONTEST AND CHALLENGES category when creating your project.

    Not on CG Cookie? sign up for free


Voting takes place between 1st - 7th November
The Community Vote will take place on Discord

  • Winners of the CG Cookie Crew vote = 2nd and 3rd place
  • Winners of the Community vote = 1st place


  • A subscription to - 1st: One Year - 2nd: Three Months - 3rd: One Month
  • Bragging rights on Discord with a Challenge Winners role
  • Featured on CG Cookie Gallery

    Plus - (for CG Cookie Citizens)
  • 500xp

    And the best prize of all!

Winners will be announced on CG Cookie and Discord on Monday 11th November 2024

5 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    FoulerSix ooh! ahh! Well it is CORE fundamentals challenge, the aim is to level up your skills through this challenge. It would benefit you if you have a go at creating some materials of your own.
    Nothing fancy is required, but I encourage you to give it a shot.

  • Stein Ulenbelt(The Great Emerald) replied

    πŸŽƒΒ  my submission:https:Β


    I really had a lot of fun making my pumpkin and I couldn't resist making ghosts and making a video of it, thank you very much for this challenge


    happy helloween

    • πŸŽƒπŸ‘
    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    @The Great Emerald I can't see your submission in the gallery, have you set the project to private or draft?

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    @The Great Emerald πŸ‘†

    1 love
  • Stein Ulenbelt(The Great Emerald) replied


    sorry for the late response, according to me it is now public

    i thinkΒ 

    sorry for the difficulty

    it's the first time i upload something on cgcookie


    thank you for pointing it out

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey all,
    The challenge is now over, sit back and enjoy your candy treat collection,
    You can go cast your vote on Discord.

    Congrats to all entries, they are all awesome.
    Good luck with the vote and thanks for taking part.

    1 love
  • InsulinDealer replied

    I thought i submitted mine correctly but it does not look like it was included. Is there a reason why?

    • Apologies πŸ™
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Check out all the entries - Pumpkin Carving Challenge

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    The candy has been counted...

    And the winners are...

    1st - Just a Trim by shiennar

    2nd -Β Sad O LanternΒ by cgtin

    3rd -Β Ember ShadeΒ by Ammara

    Congratulations to the winners, and to all the entries, the CG Cookie crew commented on how many awesome entries there were.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    • πŸŽ‰
    • Nicely done!
    • πŸ‘πŸ‘
    • πŸ‘πŸΌCongrats!πŸ‘
    • πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
    8 loves
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    These were all so great! So deserved! Congrats guys!!

    4 loves
  • Dumitru Radu(Long_Beard) replied

    Congratulations 😁

    1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    Notifying all challengers to enjoy the submission showcase! (Video embedded at the top of the original post)

    10 loves