can you make widgets from vector paths made in other programs?

I have lots of experience in illustrator and feel like it would be easier more accurate to make widgets there if possible.

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  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Hi there! It's possible to import SVGs into Blender and convert them to mesh. Off the top of my head I am not sure of the exact workflow to do such a thing though.

    It's also possible to work with Bezier curves within Blender and convert those to mesh if that sounds like something that might make things easier for you to avoid jumping between applications.

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied
    Yeah as Coyo says, you can export SVG from Illustrator and import them into Blender and you can use your vectors you made in Illustrator for the purposes of your custom widgets. But when you get used to modeling you save those extra steps and you just do it all in Blender. Either workflow is fine really.
    2 loves
  • Andrew L(ByAndrewsDesign) replied

    Thanks everyone, I'll give that a try.

    EDIT: it works just fine. when you import a vector shape, blender fills it with faces. you have to convert to mesh like you said and then select and delete the faces (only faces option), then you're pretty well set.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Andrew,

    Yes, as you have already discovered it is possible to draw a vector in a different program and use that as a widget.

    However, doing it that way creates a lot more steps and is limiting. ( you would be limited to a 2d shape)

    Plus there is no easy way for you to edit your existing shape in back in illustrator.  You would still need to edit it in Blender.

    Perhaps you can draw your shapes, then import them into your own library with the Bone Widget Add-on.  Then you can add your specific shapes with a click of a button.  It is designed for meshes though, so any curve will need to be converted first.

    3 loves