My Mesh falls straight down

Changed some stuff around, but the 2 mesh attached to the empty only fall straight down.
The Point Rigid Body Constraint doesnt seem to be working

If anyone could have a look, that would be grand! 

here is a dropbox link to the blender file.

right here

1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Try taking it up from the start. Starting over is usually the best cure for when that sort of hiccup happens. It's a super short lesson. Try and try again is the mantra.

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    Not at my computer to check it out, but did you set one of meshes to passive? 

  • Nougat Time(nougat time) replied

    Hi dwayne, thank you! that was the issue indeed.
    i wasnt aware one object needs to be passive, not 100% sure why one object needs to be passive(or that we need more than 1 object at all, for that matter), from my pov, it's just 2 mesh dangling from the empty, kinda like this... same as in the next lesson, hinge rigid body, if the hinge rotates around the empty, what do we need the cylinder for? but nope, the second i delete the cylinder and start the sim, it all falls down again. so weird, guess it's a blender thing