Assigning Physics To Multiple Objects

Question Animation

When I attempt to select all objects in a collection to assign the same physics to the objects, it doesn't seem to assign to every object. In fact, it either assigns it to one or none of the objects. 

I am trying to make a scene with many animated objects, I can't believe that I would have to select every object individually and assign the physics individually. Would anyone know what I might be doing wrong? If you need more info about it, please let me know.

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Erik SScrappy_Bogart ,

    What I tend to do is Select all the Objects you want to Add Physics to (make sure that one of the Objects is Active!) and then you can hold ALT and click on the Physics you want to Add.

    With Rigid Body Physics, you can also go to Object > Rigid Body > Add Active/Add Passive, that'll Add it to all Selected Objects (again, make sure that one of the Objects is Active!).

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Yeah that's how it works, only the active object, and it is the same for most things in Blender, holding ALT and selecting adds/changes the selection for all the selected objects.
    When it doesn't add to any, you probably selected everything with A or used box select or some other method of selecting everything and no object is marked as the active object.

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