Luna - Spine Controls Video

Yikes! This is a long and complex video with lots of steps that goes very fast. It would be VERY handy to have labeled timestamps for each step like the previous videos - especially since it's recommended to watch through each step, pause, and then go through the steps on one's own.
1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    That's a great idea Coyo.
    I thought we already had chapters on these but maybe some of them got missed.

    2 loves
  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Hey Wayne! I (finally) managed to move on to the next lessons and see that they do have the timestamps so, yeah, seems like this one just got missed somehow.

    I also want to say just how useful the schematics have been for this project. Thank you so much for taking the time to create this type of reference - it has been absolutely invaluable!

    1 love
  • Markus Schille(MarkusSchille) replied
    I'm not sure if the timestamps were added after this comment, but currently the timestamps in this video are pointing to wrong times. They all point to seconds instead of minutes. So 0:13 should be 13:00 and 0:17 be 17:00 and so on...
    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi MarkusSchille 

    Oh dear - I sure hope they all don't have this error, I spent quite a bit of time marking all these chapters.
    I will poke the person who is in charge of adding the chapters to the videos.

    The chapters markers are added separately to the video but they obviously have the wrong import settings.  I really hope it's just one video.

    1 love
  • Markus Schille(MarkusSchille) replied

    It's only this video that I've noticed. The next and previous ones were correct.

    1 love