Individual sizing and values for the multiple objects


Hi everyone,

I created an organic shape by using the geometry nodes. As you can see in the screenshot, the organic shape distributed to the points that I created with 'Distribute Points on Face' node on the Cube. As a result of the process, I have 6 different organic shapes. There are only just 2 things that I couldn't deal with in this process.

1. I want to get random 'W values' from the 'Noise Texture' for each organic shape. You can see in this video, I couldn't achieve this by using 'Random Value' node.

2. I want intersection areas of the objects to be more organic-just like a metaball. 

I'd be happy if get any help.
Thanks in advance!

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  • Enes Ates(enes) replied
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Enes,

    You are making one Object here (everything up till and including the Volume to Mesh Node) and then Instance that on the Points of the Cube.

    The Random Value Node gives a single random Value in the W of the Noise Texture, but it's still only one Object that is being Instanced.

    You can randomize the Rotation and Scale of the Instances, but each Instance is still the same Object.

    This is why it  isn't working, the way you have set this up.

    2 loves
  • Enes Ates(enes) replied

    5-21 at 21.48.52.png

    I understand the logic, thanks for the answer, Martin. I find a way to do what I want. I added 'Group Input' node and connect the second output to the 'W' value, so, I could control the 'W' value through the Geometry Nodes modifier in the Properties panel individually but this requires me to add different objects to the scene and control it on the viewport. I just wonder that is it possible to do this on the Geometry Node editor -in the single object by adding multiple Geometry Modifier for example.

    And also I could not find the answer of my second question. Can anyone help me with this 🙄

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Answering the second question,
    I don't think it is possible at the moment, metaballs are not yet available in GeoNodes, hopefully one day they will be. 
    I have wanted to use them myself.

    You can drag and drop metaball's into the GeoNodes editor from the outliner, but they don't interact in the same way.

    2 loves
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    You certainly can get the Metaballs effect in GN, but you'll have to set that up yourself (using the distance between points to determine how to interpolate geo between them...quite complicated, but possible).

    As for the other question, I think that might be possible (not sure).

    2 loves
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Really? I only tried with a simple set up, I imagine it is fairly complex though!

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Default Cube made a tutorial for 2D metaballs with Shaders:

    Combine that with techniques from his Particles Course, add the 3rd dimension and you should be well on your way. But as you say, it'll be fairly complex.

    Nothing like simply dropping a Blender Metaball in a GN Tree.

    • 👍💯
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