What units do the "step offset" refer to, same units usied in the positional transform? Which naturally leads me to ask i...

What units do the "step offset" refer to, same units usied in the positional transform? Which naturally leads me to ask is it possible to adjust the scene scale, and what is the default scene scale? Thanks!
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    The step offset on the character controller? That's used for things like stairs and elevated areas. You would adjust that in order to be able to climb up steep staircases or over terrain easier. Scale in Unity is based off Units. So if you create a cube in Unity it'll be 1 unit by 1 unit big and usually people refer to these units in meters. So 1 meter by 1 meter.
  • andrewm2211 replied
    Cool, thank you. So when you set the step offset to 1. The character can then step over anything 1 unit or less?
  • Jonathan Gonzalez(jgonzalez) replied
    It's the measurement in meters which should be the same as the units in Unity. You can read more about the character controller here: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/CharacterController.html