Armature context menu

I am having trouble accessing the Armature context menu. I've tried pressing w and right-click, but it isn't working. I would like to know if this could be due to using a new version or if there's a setting to set it to. Please help me troubleshoot this. Thank you.
1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey Tian,
    What mode are you in?

    The armature context menu is only available in edit mode of the armature.
    There is a different context menu in each mode, and for different objects types.

    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Tian,

    It's probably not a Blender Version thing.

    What are your Keymap Settings; are you using the Blender Keymap, or the Industry Compatible, (or the Blender 2.79). Are yoiu Selecting with Left or Right MNouse Button?

    Do you get nothing at all, when using W (RightClickSelect) or Right Clicking (LeftClickSelect), or something else than you expect?

    Any other information that might be helpful?

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    It can be as simple as that you need to have an armature selected in order for that menu to appear, because it it context dependent. If you have a light selected that menu will turn into the light context menu, if you have a mesh it'll be the mesh context menu and if you have the armature selected that menu will turn into the armature context menu and so on.

  • Tian du Plessis(Tian du plessis) replied
    Thank you for everyone's response. I identified the issue. 
    • 🤘🏼
    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Enlighten us, and everyone who may have the same issue!

    1 love