Render of Geometry Nodes Animation

I am trying to render a little animation I made using Geometry Nodes. When I render (from the Render tab) only the dust particles from the Geometry nodes show, even though the dust bunny and vacuum show in the viewport render tab with cycles chosen.


When I turn the visibility of the dust bunny and vacuum models on they show in both the original location and in the geometry node generated locations.


Here is the Geometry Nodes Tree


Is there a way to render without showing the original models?

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Kate KKateMcCSeattle ,

    Could you provide a link to your .blend file please (via Dropbox, Googledrive, or so)?

    I am sure it is possible to Render this correctly, but I don't know what happens here, just from looking at the screenshots.

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    What's the Vacum_Animation_O.... object in the first collection for?

    As Spikey said, a dig into the file would help with diagnosis.

  • Kate McCormick(KateMcCSeattle) replied

    The Vacuum Animation Object is a left over from before I put all of the animation in the same geometry nodes set up.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Katie,

    the problem seems to be, that your Vacuum has no Material:


  • Kate McCormick(KateMcCSeattle) replied
    This would certainly explain why only the particles show up in the render, but...Do the materials on the models not carry into the Geometry Nodes? Each part of the vacuum and the dust bunny that are instanced into the Geometry Nodes have materials. Does applying the material to the dust particles somehow switch off using the materials for the instanced models? I am only a short way into the Assemble course so maybe that is covered farther on.
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Materials are done towards the end of the roller coaster chapter, if I remember correctly...

    It's been a while since I've done something like this, sorry...but I think GN objects always need a Set Material.

    (The Dust Bunny uses a Set Material Node.)

  • Kate McCormick(KateMcCSeattle) replied
    Ferris Wheel. This is exactly where I am in the course. In that lesson he specifically says that anything that has a material assigned to the model has the material in the Geometry Nodes and that only the geometry generated needs to have a material assigned. He has all of his base geometry hidden like I did.
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hm, just did a simple test and that seems to be correct indeed...,

    I'm curious now! I'll have a more in-depth look at it tomorrow.

    (Maybe there is an essential difference between the Ferris Wheel and the Roller Coaster???)

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Hi Kate KKateMcCSeattle ,

    I had another look at your file and I believe it has something to do with using the Vacuum Collection...

    If you Apply the Scale of all Objects of the Vacuum and (I can't believe I am saying this) also the Location, so they all have their Origin in the same place, you can use Separate Children  to get this:


    I also ticked Reset Children, but I don't think that's necessary.


    Select the Vacuum Collection in the Outliner and right click > Select Objects.

    CTRL+A > Apply All Transforms (WARNING: this is an exception; don't get into the habit of doing this! Usually, you'll only want to Apply the Scale.)).

    This will shift the Vacuum on the Path, so you'll have to correct that in the (Multiply Node that goes into the) Offset.

    I think that's all...seems to be rendering fine, but let us know if something isn't working.

  • Kate McCormick(KateMcCSeattle) replied

    Thank you. I don't think I would have figured it out on my own. Still baffled why the viewport in render doesn't match the render output.

  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    "Still baffled why the viewport in render doesn't match the render output."

    So am I, to be honest...