Adjusting handles vs. adding/subtracting degrees.

posted to: Rolling Ball

Hi Wayne.

Please explain your approach/mindset when you choose between adjusting handles vs. adding/subtracting degrees. I'm pretty sure I get why you're doing it. And might be able extrapolate how to apply the move set.

As a learner, it would have been good to hear your thinking in real time, and when/why you choose to do one over the other. And when you would choose the opposite too. This seems to be a subtle, yet important, maneuver for fine tuning the animation.


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  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey EEric ,
    If you listen real careful, you can hear the cogs turning as Wayne thinks.
    Just joking, Wayne has a very good microphone with noise suppression.

    I am by no means a pro animator, but my take is the initial rotation in degrees is a rough guestimate to lay down some keyframes.
    Adjusting handles in the graph editor is far easier to get a precise rotation visually, rather than rotating the ball or adjusting numbers.

    Wayne will probably give a better explanation though.

    1 love
  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Eric.
    Good question.

    It's interesting, most learners are like "shut up, I don't want hear what you're thinking, just show me how to do it and what buttons to push"
    But the excellent learners are like "I don't care about the buttons, tell me what you're thinking and why"

    I think you know which one you are.

    Ok, let me see if I can remember what I did in this one.
    Essentially when I am changing the value (or degrees) I am changing the total amount rotation.

    When I am adjusting the handles but keeping them horizontal, I'm changing the spacing of the rotation to make it happen faster or slower w/o changing the overall value
    However, If I'm moving the handles vertically in the Graph Editor, I'm doing both.  I'm changing the spacing of the rotation AND also changing the timing of the rotation value so the peak of the curve is happening earlier or later in time.

    I hope that makes sense.

    As to when I do what - to quote a hippy.  You just gotta go with the flow man.

    • 💯
    1 love