My light emits no light :-/

I'm using Blender 4.0.2 and my render engine is Eevee, but when I use a light, no light is emitted :-(

  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey 773distirct ,

    I was confused initially with this question, but I soon realized it is for the previous lesson.

    Your light is probably behind/underneath the bubble.
    If you look closer at the screencast keys in the lesson, Paul moves the light in the Y axis, and then in the Z axis, just a little to bring the light above the surface of the bubble.

    1 love
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yes check that your light is actually close to things that will receive the light, otherwise if a light is on its own, you wont notice anything. There has to actually be stuff around for the light to interact with and get light cast on its surface.

  • Paul Caggegi replied

    Other things to check: the Grease Pencil layers have "Use Lights" enabled

    Secondly: check to see if your viewport shader settings have world and lights enabled:

    1 love