Workflow question

posted to: Modeling Cleanup

First off: this course is soooo good so far! I'm watching it straight before I start following along, and just finished the modeling chapter. Oh boy, so many tasty 3D cookies! Maybe I just really like modeling and should write a review before I get to unwrapping and texturing lol.

Now here's the question: Jonathan saves his 26th incremental file at the end of this one. I totally see the benefit of that, and imagine you can and up with dozens more versions on a more complex model.

I imagine you start a different sequence for texturing, and maybe another for animating?

But when do you start ditchint previous versions? How many do you keep? Asking for real world scenarios/ applications. How do you manage this on your day-to-day workflows? 

 Random questions, I know, but I got curious. 

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  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    HI Nathalia,

    That is very much a personal preference (as with many things).

    I think Jonathan uses an Incremental Save after each Lesson, so that he can provide those .blend files in the Course Files.

    Personally, I tend to end up with between 10 and 15 versions with larger projects and when I am cleaning my hard drive, I delete most of them.

    Usually, when I come to a point, where I am happy with what I got, but are about to do something 'dangerous' or I don't know how to do the next part and have to experiment , I make an Incremental Save.

    ("Normal' Save, I only do before pressing the Play button with a Simulation, or before pressing the Bake button.)

    But everybody is different and there is no good or bad, just do what works for you (and yes, that might take some experimentation).

    2 loves
  • Omar Domenech replied

    Yeah, as Martin says, it's just preference, unless you're working on a Studio that has its own pipeline rules. I tend to end up with 5 files, I save whenever I feel I have reached a point that if something happens I'm going to loose a lot of progress. Once I'm finished with the project I tend to delete 3 files and just keep the last 2 since I know at this point it all turned out great.

    2 loves
  • Nathi Tappan(nathitappan) replied

    I imagined it was a lot of preference there... but since I don't work in a normal pipeline I figured I'd ask. Thank you both for weighing in! I feel like my process is not off then :)

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