Where is render pass?

I'm currently working on my own spider, But I believe blender has updated at least once since these were posted. And as such I cannot find the right tools to find what I need to get to building the texture at about 10:39

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  • Omar Domenech replied
    The best solution is always to work with the Blender version the course was recorded with, since it's more about the knowledge than the button pressing. We always strive for that, you waste no time in frustratingly hunting down where things have been moved to and once you have leveled up with now knowing all the useful info, switching to whatever Blender version is no big deal.
    1 love
  • Martin Bergwerf replied

    Yeah, use the Version of the Course!

    But if you wonder where that Render Pass has gone...it is in the same place as it was in this tutorial:


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