I dont have that sheen reflection from the light how do i get it

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  • Omar Domenech replied

    You have to move the lights around until you get what you're after. There is no formula, when it comes to art direction it's all about the composition and you get that with your own judgement. Try things out, move the light, move the camera to get a framing you like, add a light, remove one, it's just testing and testing until you give up basically.

    1 love
  • Brandon Berry(Malfus21) replied

    1000004061.pngwhat does this mean for the image?

    1 love
  • Dwayne Savage(dillenbata3) replied

    I was trying to zoom in on the image and ended up moving it. That is all that means. As for your issue, you should probably lower your roughness to something like 0.1 or 0.04. Sheen works a little different in 4.0.  Also make sure that the sheen's roughness is pretty low too. This should give the screen more of a reflective effect.