hello sir, why i cannot download course files ?

posted to: Model a Lamp Post

  • Omar Domenech replied

    Hello hello, sorry for the inconvenience. The website just got a super big update and after an operation like that there's always bound to be bugs and glitches. The devs are surely working to fix those as we all report them, but that can't download the course files seems to be the biggest offender of all the glitches found so far. While they fix stuff, we've all been watching tutorials and learning nonetheless, so don't let that stop you either. Cheers. 🤘

    1 love
  • Kent Trammell replied

    This bug is happening to me too. The web team is looking into it as I type

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    When clicking the course files button, if you get a continuously spinning spinner, refreshing the page once, twice, thrice seems to give it a nudge until the web team fix it.

    1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Hey aartearnstudio, I have fixed the issue, as the web team were all partying on a school night, something to do with July 4th. Maybe someone turned 21 and is all grown up now and declared their independence.

    1 love