Love to see another Shader Forge tutorial! Perhaps something that explores the SSS node, like skin or milk... I'm sure t...

Love to see another Shader Forge tutorial! Perhaps something that explores the SSS node, like skin or milk... I'm sure there's lots of other great topics too! Any ideas when we might see one? :D
  • Kent Trammell replied
    I'm not sure when I'll be able to tackle another Shader Forge lesson. As one-offs these usually happen in between bigger courses, so they're not as firmly planned as said courses. Though knowing you and other people seem to enjoy these encourages me to be more consistent with producing them :) And btw, milk and fruit juice are on my short list! Both SSS-centric.
  • Grady Pruitt(gradyp) replied
    Yeah, the SSS node is definitely one I'm having a hard time understanding. I know there's lots you can do with it... skin, wax, milk, juice... so I look forward to seeing more! :D