Update: To resolve the problem I previously posted about, I tried adding a sun lamp. Unfortunately, the shaddows still wer...

posted to: HDRi Illumination
Update: To resolve the problem I previously posted about, I tried adding a sun lamp. Unfortunately, the shaddows still were not nearly as dark as those in the environment image, and now the high lights are blown out. Please see video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YH_qFHq2Tuc
  • Kent Trammell replied
    The sharpness of shadows is very dependent on the method of HDRI photography. Whoever takes the photos and how well they maintain luminance is what makes shadows match what's scene in the image itself. A less-than-perfect HDRI image won't match the shadows perfectly. Adding a sun lamp is a good idea. To darken the shadows, simply decrease the World's emission strength. Also decrease the Sun lamps size to sharpen shadows.