About creating new meshes


got a confusion here

just wondering when to choose to create a new mesh in Edit mode rather than object mode?

under edit mode, new mesh created there will be linked to its corresponding 

under object mode, the new mesh will be a new one?

is there any rule for choosing?

thank you 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Generally, when they are two separate Objects, add the second one in Object Mode. For example. if you have a table and you want to add a plate, add a Circle, or an other Primitive, in Object Mode. When you have a tabletop, and want to add a leg, add a Circle or Cylinder or... to the tabletop in Edit Mode.

    But don't stress about it; know that you can join two Objects, with CTRL+J (see the answer to your other question) and separate part of an Object (like the plate on the table), by,  in Edit Mode press P > Seperate by Selection or by Loose Parts.

    Sometimes you want to seperate the arms of a character for instance and do some changes to them and then combine (join) them again to the body.

    There are no strict rules (and I still, after more than 10 years, make the wrong decision sometimes) but it is easy to 'fix'.

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