(Wendy10698) My Blender Journey: Vertex by Vertex

I'm starting this thread as place to track my progress and keep myself accountable.

Hi, everybody! My name is Wendy. I'm 28 years old. And I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I started learning Blender about 7 months ago and I immediately fell in love with it!😍 I had been trying to learn computer coding but it wasn't quite what was I was looking for. Then I heard about 3D modeling and I was like "That sounds like fun. Let me look into it." ENTER: Blender. Immediately  I was like "This is what I've been looking for! This is so much fun!"😆

 Since then I've been hopping from YouTube tutorial to YouTube tutorial. Shout out to Andrew Price. I think of him as my main teacher in the basics of Blender. Did the Donut Tutorial. 🍩Did the chair. Watched his video course about lighting. I learned A LOT from his channel. After a while though I started to feel like I wasn't learning as much from Youtube but I was still missing so much information. 🤔Only problem was I didn't know WHERE the gaps were exactly in my Blender knowledge. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Then I found CGCookie and I fell in love again!🥰 I was drawn in by the HUMAN course (WIP) and the Pothead course (also WIP). This website is amazing! I really appreciate the structure of the lessons and in depth detail the teachers give. It gives me a clear path to follow in order to keep learning.  I'm recommending it to people who don't even know what Blender is.😂  Although when they ask what kind of stuff I'm working on and I say "Pothead" it does take some explaining. Not many of my friends are into Blender so I'm glad I found people who DO understand! I try and talk to people about vertices and retopology, texturing and lighting and it's like I'm speaking a different language. Now I have a place where people not only understand my struggles but can even help me with them!

Thank you so much for the videos and for responding to my questions! Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to meeting more artist and seeing more of everyone's art work!😎

1 love
  • Adrian Bellworthy replied

    Looking forward to see all your awesome work, we already know you can model an awesome Pokemon!

    2 loves
  • Mel C(melinmotion) replied

    Ahhh.. the good old donut tutorial.. I tried to get my husband to learn blender by making him to do the donut. He gave up at the sprinkles..  😆 Anyway, looking forward to follow you in your blender journey!

    1 love
  • Wendy Robinson(wendy10698) replied

    Thanks! ^_^

  • Wendy Robinson(wendy10698) replied

    Technically this was the first thing I ever made in Blender.

  • Wendy Robinson(wendy10698) replied

    Followed closely by this. =D

    Granted this was not first try. That was lost in the Void a long time ago. The way I learn is by starting a project, getting part way through, starting it again, getting part way through, starting over AGAIN and repeating the process until I get to the finish. (Working on breaking that habit though) It was good in the beginning. Helped me to learn and get firmly in my mind the lessons I needed to learn.  

  • Wendy Robinson(wendy10698) replied

    melinmotion (My first attempt at making cookies.)  >.<

    Decided to make cupcakes instead. The plate is based off one we actually own.

    • delicious 😋
    2 loves