submitting the exercise

Hey guys, congrats on the move to mavenseed! Also, lovely to see what extra content came along with it!

I wanted to resubmit the dunes exercise I submitted yesterday on the old site, but can't seem to find the submission button in this flow (on other flows they are).  in my submitted exercises list, my take on the dunes exercise hasn't moved.  So I guess, in the database my flag moved, but the files with it didn't. Or maybe there is a bug somewhere as I can't click on the apply what you've learned.

My OCD triggers to see that this flow isn't complete :)))

Not an urgent one, but thought to mention it anyway.


1 love
  • Wes Burke replied

    Thanks for the heads up! It looks like that course is missing some content from the migration. I've made a note and will see if we can get that brought over. I'll update here as soon as I know!


    1 love
  • Sébastien Lenaerts(slenaerts) replied

    Thx @wesburke , 

    Also I just noticed that the lessons chapters are sorted from Z to A, the lessons themselves within a chapter are sorted right.

    Doing good guys! I've done a few migrations as a project manager in my career, it's a mountain of work every time before and just after.