HELP! I cant change sculpting between different objects

Hi guys, please help me lighten.

I follow the lesson but after i add Suzanze and convert to mess, i cant sculpt others object like plane or the old quad sphere even tho im in the sculpting mode. If anyone know the answer please help me to understand it correctly. Thank you Guys

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Sculpt Mode is per Object. You can have different Objects in different Modes,

    First of all, make sure that you have Edit > Lock Object Modes unchecked! (Is on by default.)

    Then select an Object, go into Sculpt mode. When you want to sculpt on another Object, select that one and if it is not yet in Sculpt Mode, go into Sculpt Mode for that one as well. Do that for all Objects you want to scuplt on. Now you can sculpt on the Object that is selected, as soon as you select an ohter one, you can sculpt on that one. Blender remembers the Mode of each Object.

  • richardsim replied

    You can also press Alt+Q in Sculpt Mode to quick-switch to the object under the mouse cursor.

  • Dark Mage(darkmage) replied

    In sculpt mode hover the mouse over the object and press Alt Q The newly selected object will flash for a second to let you know which object is selected.