COLOURBLIND - A point and click adventure game. DEVLOG and WIP thread.


In 2013 , I had an idea to make a point and Click adventure game. I wanted to use Blender and Unity to bring it to life, so I signed up to CGC to learn how to use them. After re-writing and refining the story five times, and spending an age realising the visual style, the game is finally in development and is slowly starting to get off the ground....Some of you may remember me , I am Matthew Fricker - a very active member of the CGC community a few years back , although recently I have been putting all of my limited free time into the creation of ColourBlind.

To date , I have a small but awesome team of volunteers who have been working hard to help bring ColourBlind to life - You will probably recognise our lead animator - a fellow veteran CGC member - Phil Osterbauer phoenix4690 along with Steve Brooks , our highly skilled Sound Designer and my amazing wife Linda , who will be taking care of the promotional and social media side of things. Everybody's bios are below.

This thread is the first online presence for the game so far. Right now we are working towards creating a trailer which will be used to head a Kickstarter campaign to hopefully provide funding that will enable us to shift into top gear and really get development into motion.

I hope that through this thread , we will be able to get feedback and advice to really help us realise the full potential of ColourBlind , and also showcase the development as things move forward.


Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this thread , or help out in any way - we really appreciate the involvement!

1 love
  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Over the coming weeks , I will update this thread with what we have so far in terms of development. To kick things off , here is one of the locations in the game that I have created. It is modelled and rendered entirely in Blender (Cycles) , The in-game version is fully animated which I will post up once I figure out how to efficiently screen record Unity. 

    This location is the protagonist Huw's house. The plants, shovel. bucket and barrels are megascans assets , the rest has been created from scratch. It is one of the earlier locations you visit in the game (there will be approximately 90 in total) and it showcases the style of the game well. 


  • Jonas Winfield(jwinfield) replied

    I've been a fan of this game genre since the early days of Myst. I love the look and feel of the environment you've created here and look forward to seeing more of it soon.

  • Michael (xapno) replied

    This looks great.  Love the aesthetic of it.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Thanks! Yeah same , I grew up playing Broken Sword and Monkey Island and I always wanted to make my own.  I will be posting as regularly as I can so keep an eye out for more! 

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    I'm glad you like it! Thanks for the kind words and support. 

  • jammingammon replied

    Looks pretty darn cool. I saw your story in the cgcookie member stories, from a little while back, and I'm happy to see that you're still going strong. 

    As a fulltime software dev, I'm hoping to one day to check out Unity or Unreal... but until then I'll have to live vicariously through this thread. Best of luck you guys, keep us posted!

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Glad you remembered me! Thanks for showing an interest in our game. Stay tuned for lots more updates in the coming weeks.....

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    WAY COOL!!

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Thanks Mark! Stay tuned for more :)