What are you working on this week?

Wes Burke

Hey everyone, 

Internally within CG Cookie we have an automated heart-beat requests that asks, "What's important this week?

This gives everyone on the team a heads up on what's being worked on,  and a moment of reflection to consider what should we be working on.  

In today's world, we have a thousand+ things we could be doing. Hundreds of tasks to make us feel busy, but are we productive? Is what we're doing this week part of the 20% or the 80% in the Pareto principle

I am sure each of you here on CG Cookie have long term goals. What is important that you accomplish this week that will get you closer to achieving that goal? What are you working on this week?

- Wes

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    For a long time I have been frustrated by my lack of progress and my poor performance in classes.  After pondering why that could be for a long time, I realized that I had not been watching the courses.  How obvious a solution it was!  As a result, I am now working on the treasure chest.  When I am done, I will do it again, but that time I will make it my own.  Then I will apply those skills to a small project and repeat with a different course.  Already I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  The future is looking more and more promising...

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Sounds like a great plan :) I look forward to seeing both your treasure chest results , and what project comes after them. Good luck! 

  • William Miller(williamatics) replied

    Thanks.  I'm rather optimistic about this.

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    I am currently working on "rebooting" some of my older projects - some of which you will have seen in the gallery - to match my skills at present. This week I would like to finish one of them that is currently underway. 

    In the long term , I am also creating a Point and Click adventure game with Blender and Unity. This game has been in the works since 2013 and is finally starting to come to life - although there is a LONG way to go, 

    Here is a screenshot of the first playable scene that I made in Unity to test if I was actually capable of creating it before I began making it properly. 

    Soon I will create a dedicated thread to this game once I have some sort of rhythm going , so keep an eye out for it :)

  • Wes Burke replied

    that looks very cool, makes me want to play it!

  • Matthew Fricker(frikkr) replied

    Thanks @wesburke , It will be many years until it is finished , but there will be a playable demo coming hopefully next year. It's a big game with a long story and at present I am a one man band so progress is painfully slow....but steady :) 

  • Philip Rampa(philip79) replied

    Hello everyone,

    I am working on the second learning flow "creating a game asset". It is unbelieveble how much work it is to just create a simple game asset. I almost got my 3rd rocks done and then only one more. It is the first time sculpting & retopology (so I am learing a lot!). My goal is to finish this learing flow soon to finally start the next learing flow "Modeling". :-)

  • Wes Burke replied

    That's awesome, keep at it! Brings a whole new appreciation for when we're playing video games and run past something in the environment. Happy Blending!

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    Before i head to dayjob, i do daily headbust sculpt for one hour. Once the hour is up, its screenshot and post ony my polybook, regardless of the state its in. That way i have record of my progress.

     This helps me with few things. Decision making, gettin better at making decisions in a timeframe. Letting go, i grow too attached to my work, this way i don't strive for perfection but efficiency. and lastly consistency, 

    on weekends i'll do bigger sculpts of whole body.

  • silentheart00 replied

    I am (what feels like) well into my graduate program.  We hit the ground running, and while learning 3Ds Max is a struggle (I think Blender is better so far), it's just another thing to add to the belt.  I am very eager to sink my teeth into Zbrush, though!  I'm very glad it is part of my curriculum and can't wait to see the things I make with it!

    When I have extra time, I will work on side projects to keep my Blender skills sharp!

  • jamesley replied

    louhikarme  I should try to do this. Personally I sculp the whole body and I learn to do it at the same time I am on my 2nd attempt.

  • Kaj Suominen(louhikarme) replied

    Aye, that will work also. main drive for me is also to get the base mesh that has no details, but you can clearly see where the muscles and other things are in short amount of time. like an hour. so once i have concistent flow of creating tha, it will help me on real projects.