01/21 - What are you working on this week?

Wes Burke

Hey everyone, 

Happy Monday to you and I trust the ☕️ is well. I am waking up to a winter day west of Chicago, it looks much warmer than 1F/-15C  with the sun beams coming through the window. Though I'll trust my phone and remain indoors for a short bit.  🤓

Over the weekend I was thinking a lot about our community here;  all the various projects, goals you're here to complete and the connections we're all making. It's pretty dam awesome. When you joined CG Cookie you didn't purchase a subscription, you adopted a community. That is real, and you all rock for making it so. 🤛

Lately my role has been pulling me more towards the backend end of things; business processes, development roadmaps, and google spreadsheets. A far cry from my days as an Environment Artist at RoboModo or my time at Midway Games. 

I'd love to see some art, creative projects or challenings you're tackling this week for yourself.  Please link, upload what you're working on and or share what you're looking to accomplish by the end of it. 

Similar to the internal HeartBeat requests the Cookie crew answers, what do you plan on working on this week? 

Have a kick arse week!


  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    currently i am following the animation bootcamp.
    at this moment i am working on the complex obstacle drop and this is as far as i got

    i plan to finish this by this weekend and possible start the character ball . of course thats if everything goes as planned :)

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    @wesburke Hiya Wes! The coffee was delicious!

    I'm working on Stomps Walk Cycle this week, I'm so excited! freaking cool to finally get a character moving 😃 

    Have a nice week 😊


  • silentheart00 replied

    Hi, Wes!  This month I'm participating in SculptJanuary (here's the collection on Sketchfab).  I've fallen behind, though, but even if I don't finish, I'm happy I tried.  I'll just try better next year!  It's really illuminating on my habits, likes, dislikes, really has given me a better understanding of myself.  As for this week, I've had a weekly sprint for a few years now with things like watching CGCookie videos, modeling and drawing for an hour each, and working out.  I like to keep my score above 90 percent if I can, but I'd like to go higher.  It keeps me honest with myself.

    So, this week I'll be sculpting like a madman!

  • odunov replied

    This month, I started studying anatomy and sculpting. For this week, I plan to finish my male sculpting. I'm going to sculpt a female after that. I'll also follow along Modelling Realistic Characters course (I watched Starting Gesturally video and it helped me a bit even though I got past the gestural part :D)

    Here's my progress so far 

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    Like @drgnclw , I am also finally getting around to Kent's realistic character course, but I started with the female, and hope to finish up the male sculpt this evening:

    I am also making a video game with some friends (they do most of the dev, and I do the art).  I've been looking at shaders over the weekend and was able to write out a death effect for our enemy character this morning: 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    pprocyonlotor That death effect is really really cool John! 😃💥

  • John Sanderson(procyonlotor) replied

    ssmurfmier1985 Thanks! Simple as it is, I was pretty proud of it.  Unity's shader code is a strange rabbit hole, and still largely unfamiliar to me.  Happy they are shifting to shader graph, but this project is using the standard rendering pipeline and I'm afraid to change it.

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690) replied

    I purchased the "Body Mechanics Rigs by Joe Daniels - artofjoe.blogspot.com" about a year ago and finally have an idea for them. This week I've been re-rigging them to be compatible with Blender. Rigging is not a strong skill of mine, so the problem solving aspect of it has been fun for me. Next week.....I plan... and hopefully animate a bit.

  • Char Hunter(Char) replied


    I'm working on an archviz project right now, besides taking time to learn how to make apps for Blender and watching and practicing the videos here of course. 

  • Wes Burke replied

    @charmn-one That's coming along nicely! 

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    phoenix4690 Looks like a fun set of characters to play with! Curious to see what you'll do with them 😊

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective) replied

    Working on a  project for a friend, namely "Evil Cereal Bowl", and it's coming along quite well I believe.

    I also renewed my membership and will be now once again reattending streams and the like, and hopefully get to interact with you guys a lot more. I feel like I used to come on a lot and recently I've kinda drifted by the wayside and I hate it, so by renewing my membership with my limited funds it'll make me get my money's worth. Yeah with the music I was listening to this sounded way cooler, but oh well. I'm still loving all of your creations and am always keeping an eye on your updates, and I wish you all the best of luck!

  • yukino hatake(yukinoh1989) replied

    @charmn-one nice looking house man :D its looking amazing already . i look forward to see more of it

  • Char Hunter(Char) replied

    @wesburke yyukinoh1989 thanks guys!  I have a lot more to go, I'll definitely post it when it's complete.  😁

  • Wes Burke replied

    thecabbagedetective Welcome back to the Cookie, we've saved your seat for you. :) Digging the Evil Cereal Bowl, I will have to run it by kids to see if they'd eat it. ;) Keep on Blending! 

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot) replied


    I saw those! There are many, many, MANY great rigs for Maya in comparison to Blender. Its kind of crazy. I hope you post some of the details of your rigging adventures in your polybook! :)


    Just like ssmurfmier1985 I plan to finish the stomp walk cycle this week. Made considerable progress on it this evening and am now in the process of cleaning up the curves. Can't let Miranda run too far ahead. :p 

    Besides, I've read its good to have multiple projects running so you don't get burned out on it so quickly. Baker turning his head and blinking is my other project. I'd like to have a nice head turn this week for him as well. Just for fun. :)

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    3dioot Ha! I believe you still have to do character ball you goof :-p

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    @wesburke Just had some inspiration! Watching @theluthier work on a small projects made my brain start working I guess 😊

    So now I'm also working on a modified version of my character ball animation exercise this week. I'm going for a cartoony / old school game style of feel with the shading. Wanna try adding sound effects using the websites and techniques Kent showed in his latest course. Let's see how far I'll come with it this week 😄



  • Jere Haapaharju(swikni) replied

    Baking normal maps and texture painting exteriors for a game we ambitiously named as "Project Eternity". I've been planning to open a WIP project on my page about it and starting to have something to upload in there so maybe it's time for it soon!

    It's freezing cold here in middle part of Finland too but it's also a good reason to postpone some jogging and do more CG 😁

    Here's the latest render of my progress this far.

  • smurfmier1985 replied

    swikni looks great Jere! Please do post WIP's, I would love to follow your progress on this project, sounds cool 😎😄