What is the expensive waxer you referred to at the end of this video?

Wes Burke
What is the expensive waxer you referred to at the end of this video?
  • Lisa Schindler(thesculptress) replied

    Hey Wes :)

    It's not a waxer, just plain old metal dental tools heated over an open flame. It's a bit hard to see since I cut the scenes where I actually heated them up. The metal tools retain the heat long enough to do what you see me doing, but you obviously have to go back all the time to reheat the tip.

  • Lisa Schindler(thesculptress) replied
    ...and I just realized I misread the question, sorry about that... :p The waxer I am referring to specifically is the "Kerr Ultra Waxer 2". Depending on where you buy it, it can cost between $400 to $700. Adam Beane made a deal with them to include two tips you usually have to buy separately, which he considers to be the best for hot sculpting. But it's often sold out (https://store.adambeaneindustries.com/products/kerr-ultra-waxer-2). I remember they've had difficulties getting it back in stock a while ago.