Weird behaviour

Hallo Dear Cookies

I ran into something weird and just can’t figure out why? When I start “Creating the Painted Metal Layer”, Video and after creating the image, setting up the nodes everything seems fine.

I just can’t paint, after switching between solid mode, paint mode etc things disappear… I can collect them but everything that is not visible is somehow there….

Do you know what I mean (I found it hard to explain because I don’t know which click causes this problem)

It even turns pink when in Texture Mode

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Ok, so this is happening because the solid shading viewport is set to Texture, and the decals texture is selected in the node editor. The viewport is picking up the color of whatever image texture is selected but that one is mostly just transparent. Try switching the solid view color to Material or Single and painting in the material preview shading mode instead. 

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