Really stupid question

I'm assuming that you're time lapsing some parts of the video where you're not talking and just adding some detail. Is that true, and if not, how do you build up the skill to work so quickly? Awesome course btw, I'm learning tons

  • adrian replied

    Not a stupid question at all, 

    Practise, practise, practise, is the answer to build up the skill to work quicker.

    There is a couple of times when Kent speeds up the video.

  • brianbuckman replied

    Thank you very much!

  • Kent Trammell replied

    Indeed I often employ a dirty trick to optimize video duration. After teaching online video for 10 years, I'm well-acquainted with short attention spans  😅 So to help mitigate this I commonly will speed up video sections by 1.5-2x while keeping the audio 1x. Usually it's in short bursts but the time savings add up.

    I intend this to be unnoticeable to the viewer but when you see my head moving fast, that's when you know I'm speeding up the video. I do not intend to present myself as working overly fast, as if I've got superhuman CG speed. Do NOT stress about how fast you progress or work. Keep in mind this course represents 17 years of portrait practice and experience. In every facet of CG, you will naturally speed up your workflow the more you practice, so don't worry about it 👌

    Awesome course btw, I'm learning tons

    I'm thrilled to read this!  🙌

    1 love
  • brianbuckman replied

    Thank you very much. I suspected that, but I didn't know for sure. This has been an awesome dive into human anatomy, sculpting and retopology. 10/10 awesome workflow and skills.