Cable Edges don't have the same distance

Hi Jonathan

How do you manage to get the same distance by the edge rings?? When I put them into position (still curve), then convert them the edge rings are getting closer at the ends... 

thank you, I hope you know what I mean

ps: Or are you just eyeballing  them until it looks alright?

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Hey Martin,

    I think he is just eyeballing it, but you can also use this trick:

    Say you have a Curve:

    Remove the Bevel, Convert to Mesh:

    Use your LoopTools Addon (ships with Blender, but is not enabled by default) > Space:

    that will evenly distribute the Vertices....might slightly change the shape of the Curve, depending on resolution and how unevenly spaced the Vertices were...

    and then Convert to Curve, Bevel:

    and back to Mesh:

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Can you show an example of what yours looks like? Spikey is right, I'm just eyeballing it. 

  • mastart replied

    Hi Jonathan, thank you, I was could eventually eyeball it and am happy with the result. My bad examples are deleted, nothing left to show :)) 

    thank you anyway for your time.


  • mastart replied

    Thank you Spikey for your time: I eventually could eyeball it and get a decent result...