[Polybook] HUMAN - coyo's Progress

Finally was able to sit down and do more than just watch the videos for the Human course! I blocked out a couple heads to about the level of the third video and then settled in to take one further.

Here's my progress so far. I decided to take a break before I started working more on the lower half of the face. So he's left with the Zoolander "model's pucker" for now. ;D

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    Wow! This is really something. I like the texture. It looks and feels like clay doh.

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Thank you! The shader is actually "Clay-doh" made by Doublegum and I was aiming for sort of a Castilene green color. Just for fun I thought I'd try to make my clay look like real clay. :D

  • coyo (coyohti) replied

    Moving along. Kent describes an excellent and almost failproof method of blocking in basic proportions and planes. I decided to push the planes of the head stage a little further, especially on the nose which is an area I often run into difficulties with.

    I really wanted to sculpt planar ears but that idea quickly fell apart. I'm still not happy with the ears but I got to a point where I really had to step away for a bit. Interesting note: The ears look way better with a proper material and lighting on them. I'm definitely going to check stuff this way more often.

    I just used the Tri-Lighting addon Blender ships with to add some quick lighting. Makes basic lighting super easy!

  • Vue Thao(euv) replied

    The ear and mouth are on point. Yes, the nose is the most difficult part.