Difference between master bone and body bone exactly in this rig

Don't clearly get the difference. We inherited everything to body bone and also keep all ways to deform and change main ball throw this bone like translation of location and so on. For which reason we created root bone?

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Zar.  Good question.
    It's always a good idea to have an extra bone that controls everything in the rig (sometimes you can have a double or even a triple Root!).
    This can be used in many different ways to make animating easier.

    For example  - if you need to shift the animation for a section or even the whole thing.  Easy peasy.

    If your character needs to go diagonally across the screen which isn't aligned with the world axes.  Rotate the root then animate on 2 axes rather than 3.

    You might need the ball to jump on a skateboard.  Constrain the Root control then your Body bone is free to do want you need.

    You can even do in-place cycles (like a run etc...well maybe not for a ball) and then animate the root to get the actual translation part.

    Hope that makes sense.

  • DIMA ZARYA(arm3870v3@gmail.com) replied

    Hi, Wayne.

    yes, thanks for answer) get it. Just haven't seen some of this on practical situation, but of course sounds logically) like to have one more tool in any case)