When will it be graded

posted to: Sculpting a Shark

I’ve summitted my shark well over 10 days ago. It started out it started out 2 day before grading then 1 day. It got down to 2 minutes. Then the time began to increase. Now it’s up to 4 days. What’s going on?

  • adrian replied

    Hey jjoevito ,

    If your submission was graded by say 3 people on day one with full marks, your submission will pass on day 1.

    However if only 1 person grades it in seven days, your submission will be auto-graded after 7 days.

    Its not an ideal solution to the grading process.

    I looked again at your submission, you mentioned there you resubmitted your shark, this is probably why the time until grading has increased.

    Your shark sculpt is excellent, 👍

    the only thing I see now is some minor artefacts on the underside of the sculpt.

    This can be caused by intersecting or overlapping geometry, its very common and easily done when sculpting.

    No need to worry about these for this exercise, just something to be aware of in your future sculpting.

    Keep calm and have a cookie 🍪

    Happy Blending!