Blender versions - should I use 2.8 or the new version


Hi. Just getting back into blender. I DL'd 2.93 and I'm wondering if I'm better off with 2.8 for now? My concern is there will be too many differences in the 2.9 tutorials. And my assumption is that the 2.8 tutorials are numerous. My main areas of interest are scenes in space and planets - no humanoids, but effects like fog, smoke, water, reflections, and the unusual. Thanks for any guidance. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    I'd recommend trying to use 2.93. There are of course differences, but not more than there are between different 2.8 versions.

    If you get stuck, just ask here in the 'Blender Discussions'.

    And should you, after some time still find it too difficult to use a different version than the tutorial, you can download a version that is being used in the tutorial. (You can have more than 1 Blender Version at the same time; I have 13 version atm ;))

  • TelkenLost (dog-gone) replied

    lol - 13 different versions! I thought I had a lot with 3 last time I was playing around. Thanks for the advice. Peace. 

  • spikeyxxx replied