Melvin 3D Riggged Character Source File for Blender 2.9+

posted to: Melvin Rig Demo

@waylow Since there's a new Melvin 3D rigged character, I take the source file from the new "Run, Melvin, Run" course. The source files for this "Lip Sync" course here only contain a rigged 3D Melvin for Blender 2.79. Just out of curiosity: What are the (main) differences for the rig and the UI between Blender 2.79 and Blender 2.8 or 2.9? I'm asking for the case that I somewhere see an excellent rigged character for Blender 2.79 that needs to be adapted to newer Blender versions

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Ignmar.

    Yeah, that is a slightly updated version.  The only things that have changed with the actual rig are some of the bone names.

    Originally, I updated to older rig that was created by Beorn Leonard (I believe).  I just added some functionality, all the bone shapes, but did upgrade the mouth so it could work for basic lip sync.

    I left all the bone names the same so it would work with some of the older animations we needed (for a Unity course)

    In the latest quick update, I changed all the bone names to match my naming convention and fixed all the python code changes.

    (nowadays you NEED to use a special naming convention for all the python operators or Blender will complain and tell you that you are stupid for not following the rules)

    But essentially it's the same rig as the 2.79 version.

    Hope that clears things up.

    (this one works better in 2.9+ because it doesn't complain to you)