object collision fluid sim blender 2.93lts


I have trouble to get a bigger splash with the fluid sim. Imade the object an effector, collision with a surface thickness of 0.5 Somehow it almost falls clean in the water without a splash. If i compare it with blender 2.8. the splash is nowhere in the neighbourhood.

I hope someone can help me. in this time a miss a good up to date physics tutorial :-)



  • adrian replied

    Hey @stefblender ,

    Have you tried increasing the resolution on the domain object?

    Also try increasing the number of subframes on the effector object.

    Don't forget to re-bake after making any changes.

  • Stefan Donné(Stefan_Donné) replied

    Hi Adrian,

    Thnx for your help. I did subsamples of object to max now (10) and res 50. But still no splash, it goes right through the water like a dive contender :-)

  • adrian replied

    Can you share the file, so I can take a closer look?

    Maybe @jlampel might be able to help also.

    Are you using just a surface layer of water?

  • Stefan Donné(Stefan_Donné) replied

    where can i upload the file?

  • adrian replied

    Google drive or dropbox maybe. and then share the link

  • Stefan Donné(Stefan_Donné) replied

    ah i thought there was a function here :-)

    This is the file


  • adrian replied

    Ok I had a look , your icosphere is not moving fast enough to create a splash so I moved the keyframes to frame 5, I also increased the resolution to 96, I dropped the subframes on the effector to 4, 10 is probably overkill.

    Here are two images, the first as described, the second with spray activated with default settings.

  • Stefan Donné(Stefan_Donné) replied

    Thnx Adrian! Ill try that... But still not the result i would think when you drop something in the water, with the spray its allready better... Thanks so much for your help.

    Why is there actually not an updated course of fundamentals fluid simulation for the 2.9 blender? I think it will be popular :-)

  • adrian replied

    There will be lots of things that will effect the splash, like angle of impact, shape of the object, speed etc. etc.

  • Stefan Donné(Stefan_Donné) replied

    If you change the timeremapping old to 75 against 100 it will really influence the splash i learned.

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    These Mantaflow fluid sims already look beautiful with just the data and particles baken 🙂! And there's a variety of settings you can tweak 😉!