Questions about workflows and Python

Is there a course about some ideas for more advanced workflows (assuming knowledge of Python)? Do you copy paste your existing scripts as you need them, or do you have one big script, or do you keep your scripts in files and invoke them as needed?

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Hey ccarbs , we don't have a more advanced python course, but here's what I do:

    A lot of my smaller scripts are file specific or one time use things, and if I need it in another project I would just copy and paste. I'll save it in a 'scripts' folder in my project folder so that it's easy to find and modify. If I find myself copy and pasting it more than twice then I can turn it into an addon so that it'll be around whenever I need it. 

    Here's an example of turning a script into an addon: Converting the Script into an Addon - CG Cookie 

    Hope that helps! 

    1 love
  • carbs replied

    Yes it helps, thanks!