Head bone not working as expected

After weightpainting, the head bone moves the entire head instead everything except the ears. This was the second attempt to get it working. In the first attemt, the head bone worked as expected, but the ear-bones only moved the part where the ear transits into the head.
I painted the vertex weights just as in the video shown (using 2.91.2).

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi Ground Birdie.

    Are the ear bones parented to the head bone?

    If the ears are painted, and parented to the head, then the head bone will move the entire mesh indirectly through parenting.

    This is what we want because you don't want your ears to stay in place when the head turns.

    If you are moving the ears but the don't follow along 100%, you probably have the ears weighted to both the head and the ears. (make sure you normalize the weights so they show you the true value)

    I hope this helps.  Let me know if you're still stuck.  And perhaps post a picture or a video of the issue.

  • CG GroundBirdie(groundbird) replied

    Yes, the ear bones are connected to the head. I just realized that the ear bones were not connected to the head in the video, when you moved the head. Thank you for your quick reply.