Sculpting practice and progress - Elubie

I am trying to improve my sculpting, since the collab revealed that my skills were quite rusty and lacking in that area. 

Starting this thread to keep myself motivated mainly - my goal is to do 5 sculpts at least per week and keep this up until the end of the year. They might be just quick sketches and left a bit rough, depending on my time, main focus is practice, not perfect portfolio worthy result.

Feedback is welcome, as well as any suggestions for further practice.

So here are the first 3 sculpts: May 14th, 15th and 16th:

To warm up, I watched the intro to sculpting and did the shark. I noticed quite a few things are still off, so my observation skill needs to improve: the tail is too thick and too short, the eyes are positioned wrongly and the center line is waaay off. Still happy about the result for my current skill level.

The second one was inspired by an older tutorial from Grant Abitt, but did the actual sculpt without guidance, which felt more relaxed as I was just trying to somehow get an idea of a small cute owl into the shape.

In the last one I wanted to challenge myself and tried to sculpt a head. Since I wanted to test out how far I could get with my current knowledge about proportions, anatomy etc. I did not use any reference. I probably don't see every flaw, but I recognize a few areas that I will look at: The hollow area under the cheek looks weird (at least from the side), so will try to fix that next time. Also the test revealed that I need to particularly study eyes and ears, these to me look like the parts that need most fixing.

  • Vincent (vincav81) replied

    elubie That owl sculpt is brilliant 👌. I can defiantly see that, or a version of it, making its way into the Collab Interior scene.

    I look forward to seeing your progress.

    dostovel duerer 

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel) replied

    Sculpt this Elubie! And if you want, after you are done with it, maybe even duplicate it and make a second version were you put in even more detail than the original real life sculpture guy than made this.

    Who is the person that made this you ask? we don't know, who knows where this came from, but a human made it, and here it is, we have it, and that person may never know we are extracting inspiration from a thing he did. He may be sitting in his rocking chair right now, wondering what ever happened to that owl he made. He hope you are doing well sculpt guy. We thank you for your service, even though you will never know about it.

  • Ingmar Franz(duerer) replied

    Excellent sculpts, elubie 😀👍! I agree with vincav81 and dostovel that your owl belongs to the house interior 😀! It's an ambitious goal of five sculpts per week which you've set to yourself, but I'm sure that you'll achieve it 😀!

    PS: dostovel At least you know that the unknown owl sculptor is male 😉! Hm, let me think 🤔🕵️‍♂️ . . .

    PS2: I almost forgot these two owls:

  • Vincent (vincav81) replied

    Apologies elubie I didn't intend for my comment to snowball quite this big. Please don't feel yourself to be under any pressure whatsoever to achieve any of these ideas. Just focus on having fun learning and if you want make some owls free from any expectations, be all means do so.

    Once again my apologies if this has overwhelmed you in any way, it was not my intent. Mea culpa.

    And stay safe.

  • Andrea Weikert(elubie) replied

    That's a nice one, dostovel . Will work on this :) and yes, the ones you like, I will retopologize and make them usable for the interior.

  • Andrea Weikert(elubie) replied

    vincav81  No worries, if there's some action in this thread I use it as motivation :) Stay safe too!