G | GG in screencast keys...

not a question per se; more of an observation / remark:
(potentially preventing questions and saving some headaches ; )

For some reason the screencast keys (I believe that's what it's called) does not register and display 'GG' and shows 'G' instead...

not suggesting any particular action, just something to be aware of...
I can see it being quite misleading to someone just coming to terms with these two concepts, trying to follow along (general "free" translation and "sliding" along the face) as they are repeatedly used throughout the workflow with no visible distinction...  

  • spikeyxxx replied

    You're right it doesn't register the double tapped G. Great thing to put out there, Peter!

    (My opinion: screencast keys divert the attention from what is being done to what keys are being pressed and for me it doesn't matter, I never watch those SK anyway, but I read a lot of comments from beginners, where it seems to me that the Screencast Keys are not helping them, they rely on the keys and miss what is actually going on....but maybe that is just me..)