Collab2021 - WIP - chepetusa


Hey everyone here is what I been working NATURE FG - Ivy in  my spare time, hope to work more in the distribution of ivies, but so far I'm really happy with the modeling, hope to hear some feedback. Greetings!

  • spikeyxxx replied

    WHAT? You are not using the Ivy Generator for this?

    Compliments on the result so far, Daniel!

  • Daniel Molina(chepetusa) replied

    Thank you spikeyxxx , I decided to give a try to the geometry nodes for more control over the final shape of the ivy, and I would love to paint the leaves without using an alpha channel to give the shape. I think I'm going to use the stems of the Ivy generator for sure.

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Well, indeed, if you are as good in texture painting as I am , you can use basically simple Planes for the leaves (maybe subdivide them a bit to be able to bend them somewhat):

    I didn't use Alpha on the image texture to save memory.

  • Daniel Molina(chepetusa) replied

    Wow, never thought of using a math node to make the alpha thanks for the tip, I will definitely give it a shot, hope to paint as good as you. 

  • Fabian Grundmann(raisonhomme) replied

    I'm also working on the ivy. I know next to nothing about the geometry nodes. I tried the particle system for this but the results were too messy. I didn't get nice orientations or a decent silhouette. I went into the direction of alpha cards but clustering multiple leaves on them. 

  • spikeyxxx replied

    Geometry Nodes in combination with 'alpha cards' should give good results rraisonhomme 

    Look for Erindale on YT for the best GN tutorials.

  • Kent Trammell replied

    So cool to see you and others using Geometry Nodes! Confession: I still haven't tried GN myself 😬

    You leaf distribution looks great. I'm curious to see how you get the ivy stem to connect the leaves. Even if it doesn't connect to all of the leaves, enough to sell the illusion. Perhaps I'll see that by the end of week 2!

    For week 2 you can avoid sculpting accents. I put this in the same category as the flower and tree leaves: Too small to be worth the sculpting + normal map bake effort and resources.

  • Jonathan Lampel replied

    Seems like you're off to a good start here! Tag me whenever you're ready to submit for week 2.