Red acoustic foam tiles render


I just wanted to share my work and ask for some pointers on how I might be able to improve. I'm new to Blender and 3D. The reason I've been making these acoustic foam tiles is that my freinds company makes acoustic foam and they were kind enought to send me some for my office. I noticed that the pictures they were using on their website were edited versions of the original grey tiles pictures they sell. As such, the colour is slightly off to the actual product. Because I'm looking for projects to work on outside of YT tutorials, I offered to try and model so more accurate looking tiles that were closer to the true colour. The texture is procedurally generated and a bit of a mish-mash of things I've found online. Anyway, just wanted to share and any pointers are welcome.


  • spikeyxxx replied

    At least add some Bevel and probably some Subsurface Scattering.

    Then come back to us.

    I must admit, that I am not familiar with acoustic foam (when I was young, we used egg cartons)

    But you'd need a 'soft' material. Look at the edges: