After generating rig, some bones are facing the wrong way

I can't figure this out. Some of the feather bones in the rig are facing the wrong way after generating. I've tried adjusting bone roll, but that doesn't help, and I'm not sure what else to try. You can see the difference in the two pictures below, and here is a link to a file:

  • Mark Smith(me1958424) replied

    try going into edit mode and rotate them into proper position if that works don't forget to apply rotation...

    hope this helps

  • bkol replied

    They are in the correct position in edit mode, just not in pose or object mode. How do you apply rotation in edit mode?

  • Wayne Dixon replied

    Hi bkol,

    I'm not an expert in Rigify but it looks like you have animated the meta rig and added extra constraints.

    I believe if you want those constraints to be added to the generated rig you have to name them a special way (with @ symbol in the name and some other business) and also make sure you have the 'relink constraints' activated before generating.

    I wouldn't think you could animate the meta-rig and have this copy over too (the names of the bones are different)

    If you check in edit mode of the both rigs, all the feathers are correctly aligned but I think the arm bones (super tentacle) doesn't respect the bone roll when generating.

    You could try manually adjusting these to the values that they should be after you generate.  Maybe that will fix it?

    But as I said, I'm no expert with Rigify.

    I do hope this helps you though.

  • bkol replied

    Ah, I forgot! In Rigify, to make it recognize custom bones, you have to mark them as basic raw copies and then give deform bones DEF- prefixes. I didn't have to click relink constraints, for reasons I'm not entirely clear on, but apparently it has to do with naming things with @, which I didn't do.  After doing that, it works perfectly! Thanks!